Page 7 - Renshaw, M&T - review report - Febr21
P. 7

International equities                          domestically and globally, rose slightly
                                                               during the quarter as confidence grew off
               All major developed and emerging                the back of vaccine news. Bond returns
               markets, although performing well for the       were again however muted in the
               quarter, underperformed the Australian          December quarter. Australian bonds
               market due to the continuing rise in the        (Bloomberg AusBond Govn 0+Yr) hit
               Aussie dollar. In the US, the lead-up to and    negative territory on a real basis (-0.3%)
               US Election, or more of note, the outcome,      whilst global bonds (BBgBarc Global
               proved to be the trigger to set-off market      Aggregate TR Hedged) were slightly
               uncertainty and volatility not only locally,    positive (+0.8%). Corporate bonds
               but globally. Coupled with second and third     squeezed a little more spread during the
               waves of COVID-19 running rampant               quarter and continued to outperform
               across the world, the December quarter          government bonds; Higher yielding bond
               will be one spoken about in years to come;      assets remained broadly buoyant with
               the S&P 500 managed however to return a         cooperative monetary policy in place; Cash
               solid (+4.0%) in AUD terms as optimism          yields took another hit as the RBA cut the
               gained traction as a result of a large fiscal   official rate in November to its lowest in
               spending US Democratic party winning            history, dropping to 0.10%.
               office. Emerging Markets (as measured by
               the MSCI EM index) returned a strong            It’s fair to say the December quarter of
               (+11.2%); Europe (as measured by the            2020 will be remembered for some time,
               STOXX Europe 600 index) returned a solid        packed full of events and market gyrations.
               (+7.1%) whilst the MSCI AC Asia Ex Japan
               also recorded a strong return of (+10.2%);      We had virus outcomes worsen over the
               all of which aided by further optimism          quarter as the northern hemisphere
               towards a COVID-19 vaccine and cyclical         entered their colder months, which resulted
               recoveries. Positive currency movement          in an increase in cases and hence an
               relative to the USD and commodity price         increase in restrictions and lockdowns. On
               support also provided further assistance to     the positive side, we saw the
               market appreciation.                            announcement of successful phase 3 trials
                                                               for three different vaccines, with two
               Property & Infrastructure                       granted emergency use authorisation
                                                               before the end of the year.
               The Australian listed property sector
               (S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT) also benefitted            We also had the US election result, or lack
               from the rotational trade into cyclical         thereof for some time, as ballots continued
               sectors during the quarter returning            to be counted well after election day.
               (+13.3%) however the sector remains             President Trump, his legal team, and
               structurally challenged (divergence in          others launched numerous challenges
               performance across sub-sectors) due to          regarding the outcomes in certain cities
               the pandemic, slowing / re-opening              and state, but to no avail, with Joe Biden
               economy. This is evident in the calendar        and Kamala Harris all but confirmed as the
               year return with the sector falling (-4.6%).    new 46th President and Vice President of
               Global listed property (+10.2) and global       the USA. The election result also saw the
               listed infrastructure (+5.9%) provided solid    Democrats retain the House but with a
               returns for the quarter on a currency           smaller majority, whilst the Senate
               hedged basis, however the continuing            remained undecided as the state of
               appreciation of the Aussie dollar hurt          Georgia had a run-off to confirm their two
               unhedged returns (5.8%) and (0.9%)              seats. Leading into the election, most had
               respectively.                                   a mixed or messy election result being
                                                               negative for markets, but investors seemed
               Bonds and Cash                                  to find positives in the result.

               The RBA and central banks globally              The UK and the European Union (EU)
               remained accommodative in support of            finally struck a trade deal with no time to
               bond markets via stimulus programs.             spare before their self-appointed deadline,
               Yields on 10-year treasures, both
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