Page 5 - PSK_April 2023_Thomas Illinkovski_Neat
P. 5



                                                                of their business models, whereas others
               Below is a summary and highlights from the       cut dividends and provided less than rosy
               movements this quarter and major changes
               to some of the key asset areas:                  outlooks. Cost controls, debt repayments
                                                                and maintaining margins will be critical for
               Australian equities                              the year ahead. Forward earnings

               January produced a stellar return of             guidance was minimal due to high levels
               (+6.23%) however as the quarter                  of uncertainty. Pricing power and the
               progressed, it was clear rising interest         ability of companies to pass on additional
               rates had started to take their toll on          costs to the end user will go a long in
               sentiment and as financial conditions            determining how they perform in 2023 and
               continued to tighten sharply, the equity         separate the good from the mediocre.
               market began to cool. Although the               The Australian market underperformed
               quarter ended in positive territory,             their global counterparts in AUD terms for
               (+3.46%), the final two months fell a            the quarter (+9.1%), as the overweight to
               combined (-2.60%).                               big miners and banks worked against the
               The February reporting season produced           local market this time around. The shallow
               a mixed bag. Higher interest rates and a         domestic market might be in for a very
               slowing economy were the key thematics           volatile year as a result of its
               heading into a highly anticipated season.        overdependence on resources/materials.
               At the end of the day, some companies            Recent economic data is suggesting a
               reported excellent results and record            slowdown and whilst the reopening of
               profits, indicating exhibiting the resilience    China is a positive, it remains to be seen if
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