Page 16 - PSK Q2_2022_Thomas Ilinkovski
P. 16
Our referral Should you know someone who you
believe would benefit from our assistance
policy in the future, please consider PSK’s
Referral Policy:
ꟷ All referrals from clients are treated
A referral from an existing client is not only on a no-obligation basis. We
the highest compliment we could receive, welcome the opportunity to meet
but the preferred way for a new client to with any referrals - there is
find us. absolutely no pressure placed on
them to do business with us.
If you are happy with our services and ꟷ We maintain strict confidentiality
know someone in need of advice or and privacy procedures between
assistance with their financial affairs, then clients and any of their referrals.
we would be delighted to receive a This mean we cannot and will not
personal introduction. discuss either party's situation
With little independent information between them. (Please refer to our
available, a referral from a friend, family Privacy Policy on
member, colleague or professional
connection makes the process of finding a ꟷ We ask you to briefly introduce us
trusted adviser much easier and provides to the person you are referring to
comfort to the new client. us (for example through an email
or telephone call). This avoids any
As a result, we receive many referrals surprises when we contact your
from our clients and treat each of those friend, family member or colleague
referrals very seriously. and ensures we aren’t perceived
by them as unsolicited sales or
marketing callers.