Page 17 - PSK Q2_2022_Thomas Ilinkovski
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Your key contacts

               If you have any questions about the services outlined in this document please don’t hesitate
               to contact:

               Thomas has over 30 years’ experience working within   Senior Financial Adviser
               the financial services industry and as a Certified   Thomas Ilinkovski
               Financial Planner (CFP) works with his clients across
               all areas of financial planning including, investments,
               superannuation, debt reduction, retirement planning
               and personal Insurances.                          Client Services
                                                                 Zaneta Ilinkovski
               Thomas takes a holistic approach when providing
               advice to his clients, taking into account their individual
               circumstances, needs and goals, noting that every   PSK Private Wealth
               client’s situation will be different.             Level 6, 44 Market Street
                                                                 Sydney NSW 2000
               In 2010 Thomas was awarded the FSP Adviser of the   T 02 9324 8888
               Year “Wealth Management". In 2011 he was awarded   E
               both the the FSP Adviser of the Year “Professional   W
               Standards” and the “Practice Manager”

               These national awards are the result of the commitment
               to creating client wealth, managing client wealth and
               protecting client wealth.

               PSK Financial Services Group Pty Ltd (ABN 24 134 987 205) trading as PSK Private Wealth holds a Australian Financial Services Licence (no. 234656). This document
               contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your
               financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.
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