Page 2 - SMA changes rationale_Professional Assertive
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Restructuring Infrastructure Assets

               Why we are making the change

               The current property / infrastructure portfolio only carried an exposure to listed infrastructure, and
               not listed property, given our greater conviction in infrastructure historically. However, our outlook
               for the listed property sector has improved as cash rates have peaked and the economic backdrop has
               not been as negative as originally expected. Most of the larger listed property companies have low
               levels of leverage and/or do not have debt due for some time, which means they have locked in low
               borrowing costs. We have reduced the listed infrastructure exposure in the portfolio to enable the
               inclusion of listed property exposure, at equal weighting, while maintaining the overall allocation

               Currency Hedging

               Why we are making the change

               We currently have an unhedged position when it comes to currency on our global growth asset
               portfolio. Over the last few years, and more so of late, there has been significant currency movement.
               We believe the Australian dollar remains undervalued versus the US dollar and some other currencies
               in comparison to long term historical averages. Given the relative strength of the Australian economy
               and the likelihood foreign central banks will cut their cash rates before the RBA, there is likely to be
               upward pressure on the Australian dollar moving forward. We felt it was prudent to include some
               currency hedged exposure in the portfolio via global listed property and infrastructure, thus leaving
               global equities unhedged for now.

               Changes to Underlying Investments

               Why we are making the change

               We have reviewed the underlying holdings to ensure the portfolio continued to contain our highest
               conviction picks and their associated blending (portfolio construction) remained appropriate
               considering our expectations of the forward period. This review resulted in the following changes to
               the investment lineup:

               South32 (S32) – Sold – our patience here has worn too thin, and the weak expected forward metrics
               of the company mean the company now falls outside of our screened investable universe. Whilst we
               can override this for an already held stock, we’re not confident enough in the outlook for the business
               to do so.

               James Hardie (JHX) – Sold – the company’s share price has moved well above our expectations and
               our assessment of fair value, more importantly. As such, we’ve sold this stock to allocate to new ideas
               with better upside opportunities. These are the stock sales we like.

               Newmont (NEM) – Bought – US Newmont Goldcorp recently acquired Australia’s largest gold miner in
               Newcrest, creating the world’s largest gold mining company. We liked the acquisition given the
               strengths of both companies and their positions on the gold mining cost curve. Whilst we think the
               gold price remains well supported, we’re attracted to the significant disconnect between the gold
               price and gold mining companies, the latter which trades a significant discount to both the gold price
               and long-term historical differences.
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