Page 3 - SMA changes rationale_Professional Assertive
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Lynas Rare Earths (LYC) – Bought – the company explores, develops, mines, and processes rare earth
               minerals which are used in an ever-widening source of applications. The company’s main asset is in
               WA whilst processing is largely done offshore. Outside of China, Lynas is one of the largest miners and
               processes of rare earths in the world. Current applications for rare earths include industrial processes,
               glass manufacturing, automotive emission control, energy storage, electronics, lighting, and medical.
               The stock is trading cheaply versus our assessed valuation.

               Resolution Capital Global Property Securities – Switched – as noted above on currency, we have
               switched from the unhedged currency option here to the currency hedged option, maintaining our
               conviction in Resolution Capital’s long-standing approach and highly experienced team.

               MFG Core Infrastructure – Sold – whilst our conviction remains here, we favour a high conviction and
               deeply fundamental approach in this asset class going forward given the market and economic
               backdrop. MFG largely uses a quantitative approach with a highly diversified portfolio.
               ATLAS Infrastructure Australian Feeder Fund Hedged – Bought – our conviction here is one of the
               highest in the peer group. We like the concentrated, high conviction, index agnostic approach here
               from one of the largest investment teams in the peer group. The strong risk focus provides a
               counterbalance to the highly concentrated portfolio, whilst the team can and does benefit from
               insights from its parent which is a large direct infrastructure investor/adviser.

               Franklin Australian Absolute Return Bond – Sold – our conviction here remains, but we prefer a
               dedicated focused approach to attractively priced Australian credit securities in the forward period
               whilst also preferring that interest rate exposure (ie. duration) be obtained in the portfolio via
               specialist managers (eg. Western, Brandywine) given the continued heightened volatility in this part
               of the market.

               Yarra Enhanced Income – Bought – our conviction here is high and this is currently our preferred
               manager in the Australian credit peer group. We like the large and highly experienced team here
               along with the very strong support provided by their macroeconomic function and their use of other
               investment teams internally. We also like the in-depth fundamentally driven credit research and the
               consistent levels of income.


                   PSK Financial Services Group Pty Ltd (ABN 24 134 987 205) trading as PSK Private Wealth and Employee Representatives of PSK Advisory Services Pty Ltd trading as PSK Private Wealth are all representatives of AFS licensee, PSK
                   Advisory Services Pty Ltd (ABN 30 008 587 595) AFSL #234656. This document contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to
                   consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.
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