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Quarter 2

               in Review

               Below is a summary and highlights from
               the movements this quarter and major
               changes to some of the key asset areas:
               Australian equities

               Although still well short of February highs,
               the Australian equity market continues to
               fight back, finishing the June quarter up
               down 16.5%.  Performance was spread
               across all sectors but those impacted
               more severely (cyclicals) in the March
               quarter (consumer discretionary +30%,
               energy +28%) led the charge. Information
               technology was the biggest mover +49%
               with strong momentum exacerbated by
               lockdown measures. Cyclical sectors still        Property & Infrastructure
               lag the defensive sectors quite                  The Australian listed property sector
               considerably year-to-date.                       (+19.9%) came back strongly in the June
               The more volatile small cap sector               quarter. Global listed property (+8.7%)
               (+23.9%) outperformed broader large              and global listed infrastructure (+8.3%)
               companies during the quarter and are now         performed strongly on a currency hedged
               outperforming the sector year-to-date.           basis, but the strong rise in the Aussie
                                                                dollar saw unhedged returns fall into
                                                                negative territory. Both sectors are well
               International equities                           down year-to-date and remain challenging
                                                                sectors going forward if lockdowns persist.
               All major developed and emerging
               markets finished the quarter strongly in
               local currency terms (double digits), but        Bonds and Cash
               the sharp rise in the Aussie dollar brought
               those returns back to more reasonable            At a headline level, bond returns were
               levels. In the US, markets shrugged off          moderate in the June quarter. Australian
               sharp increases in reported COVID-19             bonds were up slightly (+0.53%) whilst
               cases and civil unrest; the S&P 500              global bonds (+2.3%) benefited from
               returning (+7%). Emerging Markets (+5%)          currency hedging in light of the rising
               performed strongly as virus fears                Aussie dollar. Corporate bonds
               subsided, whilst Europe (+3.3%) and Asia-        outperformed government bonds as
               Pacific (+3.8%) also performed well.             spreads continue to tighten on solvency
               Sector performance mirrored the domestic         risks abating, assisted by central bank
               markets as information technology led the        buying. Cash yields remained anchored
               way, particularly in the US.                     low with the RBA leaving the official rate
                                                                (+0.25%) untouched throughout the
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