Page 7 - QTR 4 2020 IBN
P. 7
Independent Baptist News
King James Bible Believing
You Do Not Need To Get Baptized In
Water In Order To Be Saved
Does John 3:5 teach water baptism
Does Acts 2:38 teach you must be baptized in for salvation?
water to be saved? No, the water mentioned here is speaking of natural
No, the word “for” in this verse means “because; on ac- (flesh) birth. When a baby is being born the water breaks,
count of”. This verse teaches repentance for salvation and therefore the term “born of water.” John 3:6 verifies that
that water baptism is an outward confession of that re- “born of water” is a physical (flesh) birth by saying “that
pentance agreeing with all other salvation verses in the which is born of the flesh is flesh.” John 3:1-7 is teaching
Holy Bible. that everyone who is “born of water” (physical birth),
must be “born again” (spiritual birth).
Does Mark 16:16 teach you must be baptized in
water to be saved? Does Acts 22:16 teach water baptism
No, this verse does not say “he that believeth not and is for salvation?
not baptized shall be damned” but it says “he that believ- No, this verse tells us to call on the name of the Lord in
eth not shall be damned.” This verse is teaching that sal- order for sins to be washed away. It is in perfect agree-
vation is by believing and those who do not believe shall ment with other scriptures such as Romans 10:13 which
be damned. This teaching of Christ is also taught in Mat- says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
thew and Luke. Jesus was telling his disciples to give the shall be saved.” The “and” in this verse is a conjunction
gospel to the lost and disciple them. When he finished “and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord”
telling them these things, he ascended up to heaven. could stand alone as a separate sentence according to the
Comparing Mark 16:16 with Matthew and Luke verify that rules of grammar. Acts 22:16 is teaching that salvation is
Jesus is not teaching water baptism for salvation (See by Christ and if you receive him you should get baptized
Matthew 28:19 & Luke 24:47) in water as an outward confession of your inward faith. If
you disagree, and think that this verse is teaching water
(continued on next page)
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