Page 7 - installation instructions
P. 7

ADVANTAGES OF NANO4LIFE for porous surfaces:

                        No optical detraction of the substrates
                        Long lasting and solid impregnation
                        Enormous abrasion resistance
                        High Hydro- und Oleo phobia
                        Easy to apply
                        Free of solvent and neutral in odour
                        Short-term drying. Store able right after application
                        No additional energy or UV-light necessary. Hardening at room temperature.
                        High-pressure cleaning resistant (up to 50 –60 Bar)
                        High efficiency by spare use
                        Heat-resistant (up to 450 °C)
                        Absolutely frost-resistant


                        No more dirt will be soaked into the pore system by water
                        Easy to clean
                        High  resistance  under  the  strain  of  frost  and  drew  because  of  a  persistent
                          impregnation, no crack initiation by ice
                        No moss or fungus formation
                        long  durability  of  concrete  or  terracotta  slabs  because  of  reduced  cleaning
                        Permanent protection of the surface texture
                        Prevents weathering damages

          Figure 1: Uncoated substrate                         Figure 2: Coated substrate

          The  picture  shows  the  capillaries  and  pore     The reprogrammed surface prevents infiltration

          system     of  porous  surfaces  which  can  be      of water and oil into the poresystem. The positive
          infiltrated with water, dirt and oil. This is where   qualities of a natural surface like breathability are

          fungi, mould, bacteria and moss will find their      Completely maintained.

          perfect hotbeds to breed.
                   PROCESSING ADVICES
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