P. 11
This e-book of English subjects for grade 2 children entitled Animals and Plants Living in
the Surrounding Environment presents about the types of animals and plants in the environment
either at home or at school in English. In fact, it is common to find animals and plants that are
well kept by their owners. They take care of the animals and plants in their homes to stay alive.
Animals that are usually suitable as pets are cats, dogs, birds, chickens and many more. While
the types of plants that are often treated at home are roses, jasmine, orchids and ornamental
plants. The diversity of living things is the wealth of the earth which includes animals and plants.
After studying this module, students are expected to be able to understand and understand the
types of animals and plants around their environment.
This e-book was compiled by Gusti Km Arysuta Prayoga. He was born
in Singaraja on May 31, 2002, located at Jalan Ki Barak Panji close to the
Monumen Perjuangan Bhuwana Kertha. Today, he is undergoing education
at the Ganesha University of Education and took the S1 English Language
Education study program in semester 5, previously he completed his
education at SD N 3 Panji, SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja, and SMK Negeri 2
Singaraja. His achievements is one of the presenters at the 2nd International
Conference on Languages and Arts across Cultures (ICLAAC) 2022.
E-Book Animals And Plants In My Environment 11