P. 7

Although small  and thorny, it  turns  out that the  cactus has great

                           health  benefits.  This  easy-to-care  plant  can  reduce  the  radiation

                           effects of computer screens and other electronic devices.

                              Rose

                                                  Picture 4. Rose

                                                  Source: Google

                           Roses are used as aromatherapy, for example in the form of candles

                           or perfume. The scent of this fragrant flower can make the air in the

                           room fresh so that it makes us comfortable

                                                                                 Picture 5. Aloe vera
                                                                                  Source: Google

                             Aloe  Vera  is  also  often  found  at  home  and  the  environment.  What  are  the
                             benefits of the aloe vera plant?

                             The benefits of aloe vera are now better known as a skin moisturizer. But aloe vera can also

                             clean  the  air.  According  to  research,  one  pot  of  aloe  vera  is  almost  equivalent  to  nine

                             biological air purifiers. In fact, when the amount of poison in the air exceeds the healthy
                             amount in the room, aloe vera will give a signal by the appearance of black spots all over its
                             spiky body.

                                                              E-Book Animals And Plants In My Environment   7
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