P. 5
Watch the video below!
Video 1. Animals
There are various types of animals, ranging from large
to very small and need the help of a microscope to see them
clearly. There are types of vertebrates such as mammals (dog),
amphibians (frogs), avers (poultry), reptiles (reptiles) and fish
(fish). Examples of vertebrate animals are dogs, pigs,
monkeys, cats, bats, frogs, lizards, koi fish, and others.
Apart from vertebrates, there are also invertebrates or
invertebrates such as annelids, arthropods, coelenterate,
echinoderms, mollusks, nemathelminths, Platyhelminthes,
sponges, and protozoa. Examples of invertebrates such as
worms, dragonflies, cuttlefish, and so on
E-Book Animals And Plants In My Environment 5