Page 38 - November pages 1 to 48
P. 38

The Stroud District Foodbank is still open for business

       Since March we have been operating a mobile delivery service rather than giving out
       food at local drop-ins. We have been busier than ever before. We know all too well
       that once finances start to get strained food poverty soon follows, it’s not always going
       hungry, but making different choices about food purchases or skipping meals. If you or
       someone you know is facing financial hardship we would love you to take the first step
       and seek some support. There are some resources on our webpage at  or you can call Citizens
       Advice confidentially and for free on 0808 208 2138 or visit the Stroud District Council

       If you are in a position to help we have put together information about ways to help
       this Christmas and would love for you to help if you are able

       Nikki Clarke
       Foodbank Manager

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