Page 13 - November 2020 1 to 48_Neat
P. 13
Each of the nine blocks
has to contain all the
numbers 1-9 within its
squares. Each number
can only appear once in a
row, column or box.
Solution on page 44
Did you know…
The Houses of Parliament are still searched once a year to make sure there are no
conspirators hiding with explosives…
Before the State Opening of Parliament, the Yeomen of the Guard search the Houses of
Parliament to make sure there are no would-be conspirators hiding in the cellars.
Guy Fawkes was actually Protestant by birth - Fawkes was born a Protestant. His
maternal grandparents were recusant Catholics, who refused to attend Protestant
services. In 1578, when Fawkes was eight, his father died and his widowed mother
married a Catholic. Fawkes converted to Catholicism when he was a teenager.
Quiz for 11 to 16 years old
(answers on the back page)
6. In what year did World War One start?
1. In which city were the first modern
7. What piece of equipment measures
Olympics held?
2. What do angles on a straight line always
8. Which company developed the popular
add up to?
online video game called Fortnite?
3. Tiramisu is a cold layered dessert, but
what flavour is it? 9. Who was the famous Prime Minister
who led Britain through World War
4. What is the largest country in the Two?
10.What is the geographical term used to
5. What is the name of the artist who sung describe the wearing away of rock by
the 2010 song Firework? water?