Page 2 - April 2023 Newsletter
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We at Integrated Security Solutions (ISS) would like to welcome some of our fresh faces to the organization. Each
issue will highlight the fresh faces and even some familiar faces, so everyone will know who they are and where
they work within the company.
We are once again shining the spotlight on people at Integrated Security Solutions, Inc. In this edition, we
will focus on the Data Department.
Camas Renault, Data Librarian
Ms. Camas Renault is new to ISS, she come to from the far lands of Polson, MT. Ms. Renault gradu-
ated from Salish Kootenai College and achieved a place on the Dean’s List. Ms. Renault brings orga-
nizational skills to the data storage on the ISS servers. Ms. Renault has already started showing much
needed insight into how data should be arranged and saved many manhours of searching for needed
information. Ms. Renault is and will be a much needed piece of the Data Department.
Jim Hill, Technical Writer
Mr. James “Jim” Hill, a part from having some interesting ancestry. From the Civil War to the migra-
tion out into the western territories. Mr. Hill brings to ISS an enormous amount of testing and writing
experience. Mr. Hill has tested software we have all used at one time or another. Mr. Hill is an integral
part of the ISS and Data Team.
Todd Kotila, Technical Writer
Mr. Todd Kotila comes to ISS with a vast knowledge in business and writing. Currently he strives to
help the Data Department by creating templates and now training documents to provide our custom-
ers with. Mr. Kotila will be known for his crucial vision on processes with the end goals for both ISS
and the Data Team.
David Goyer, Technical Writer
Mr. David Goyer is one of our many prior military members. Mr. Goyer retired from the US Navy
after twenty-one and half years. He brings to the team many different disciplines. The most noticable
is his ability to cook. Mr. Goyer also brings a vast knowledge of administration, and graphic layout.
The old adage, “Jack of all trades, master of none”, would apply to him.