Page 3 - April 2023 Newsletter
P. 3
You may have received notice to com-
plete a series of training courses through
There was a problem with the website
and it was not allowing certificates to
be downloaded after completion of the
course. That problem has been resolved,
Rose Dawson so if you took a course and got no certif-
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyo- icate, please go back into the site, and download those and send
them to me. If you haven’t taken those courses yet, please do so.
ming Statewide Security System Installation
Everyone has been very diligent in getting up to date with OSHA
ISS Manager: Rose Dawson and First Aid/CPR. Just a few yet to go and we’re working those
Project Site Supervisor - David Burns through.
Sub-Contractor: Connected Technology Integrators
(CTI) Thank you so much for bearing with all your training.
The Bureau of Land Management As always, once you’ve completed any course, please forward
(BLM) requires project inspection ser- certificates to me, If you have any ques-
vices during security system instal- tions, please feel free to call me at 406-755-2504 x210.
lations for 16 sites across the state of
Wyoming. The design for these security Happy Spring, Peggy
systems was completed in 2017 by In-
tegrated Security Solutions, Inc. (ISS). Contributor: Peggy Lundin
The BLM now requires ISS to answer ISS Training Coordinator
questions regarding the system designs
during the separate installation contract
procurement process and take over the daily inspection of the
resulting installation work. The expectation is that ISS will be
on-site with the installation contractor anytime the installa-
tion contractor is working.
As mentioned above, ISS is not able to do the installation
work directly, due to conflict of interest issues when ISS won
the survey and design portion of this project. BLM however,
wanted to make sure that the project would be sucessful and
done on time. So ISS was put into a supervisory role.
David Burns is the supervisor for this project and oversees
the day to day working of the sub contractor. He also fills
the QC portion of contract by inspecting and, if needed,
showing what corrections are needed to keep the project up
to the ISS standards that government entities have come to
recognize and request.