Page 3 - March 2023 Newsletter
P. 3
As we continue into 2023, certification
renewal will become more and more im-
I want to remind you that your training
is required per ISS, as well as, the con-
tracts that many of you are working on.
Todd Troyer Scott Levitt For instance, if you’ve been assigned as a
Site Safety and Health Officer or Alter-
US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) nate, you are required to have current OSHA-30 training.
Savannah District Locks & Dams I encourage each of you to help me keep you current with all
Maintenance & Service for Security Systems. your assigned training. Please reach out to your PM if you’re
struggling to find the time.
ISS Manager: Todd Troyer
ISS Assistant Manager: Scott Levitt Please contact me at, Eddie Wise, ewise@
Project Technicians - Jeromy Wagner & Nate Taylor, or Laura Cox,, with any questions.
Sub-Contractor: Parsons Corporation (CSMS) Contributor: Peggy Lundin
ISS Training Coordinator
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, born in 1775 during
America’s struggle for freedom, has been instrumental in
the evolution of a strong and independent nation. Last year, 2023 ISS Chili Cook Off
Savannah District - one of the larger of 38 Corps districts
worldwide - observed its 160th year of service to our coun-
try. As this history relates, the district’s roots in the Savannah January marked the first ISS Chili Cook Off for
area can be traced to 1829 when Army Engineers, assigned 2023. There were many very good chilies presented
to the Corps’ “Savannah Station;” were involved in the con- this go around. We had spicy, smoked, vegetarian
struction of Fort Pulaski and the conduct of surveys in the and classic styles.
Savannah River. Officially designated the “Savannah District” In the end though there can only be one.
of the Corps in 1888, the District - with increasing workload
and civilian manpower - has continued this dual mission of And this contest was won by Chris Lacey.
military construction and civil works development begun by
those early Army Engineers. If you see him congratulate him for an awesome job.
As with the other M&S contracts, the existing ESS equip-
ment requires regular preventive and corrective mainte-
nance (PM, CM) and Cybersecurity Maintenance and Sus-
tainment (CSMS) to keep them operational and performing
to the original design standards.
This project is for one base year and multiple option years.
We have two experienced technicians, that have shown ex-
trodenary ability to get the job done.
ISS currently has five (5) major and six (6) minor M&S
active projects that span around the world.