Page 5 - March 2023 Newsletter
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ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                BUSINESS OFFICE

         March Birthdays:                                                         CORNER

         Jeff Ames - 8th                                            We are 2 months into 2023 and so far so wild!  There

         Camas Renault - 10th                                       have been a lot changes / new
                                                                    faces, around the office since
         Cody Stutesman - 14th                                      January.  Mine included.  The
                                                                    chili cook off, donut morn-
         Patrick Camacho - 22nd                                     ings,  the extra mile buffet
         Scott Levitt - 24th                                        breakfasts set out for the ESS
                                                                    class and the BBQ lunch have
         David Googins - 25th                                       all sent a positive energy mes-
         Peggy Lundin - 27th                                        sage.  We all spend quite a bit
                                                                    of time together so it’s nice when we feel good about
         Tristin Brickett - 29th                                    that.
         Marq Laude -  30th
                                                                    Thank you!  I hope other new employees feel the same.
                                                                    Special shout out to Nic for all his hard work and extra
         ISS Anniversary                                            hours.   Computers are up and running smoothly, just as
                                                                    we knew he would make them be.
         William “Bill” Ferko - 03/15/2017

         Kendra Friendly - 03/27/2018                               HR will be sending out a new and improved Travel Ex-
                                                                    pense Reimbursement Policy soon.  I know you are all
         Patrick Camacho - 03/31/2021                               on the edge of your seat waiting for this exciting read-

         Matthew Lizama - 03/31/2021                                ing!
         Bill Parson - 03/21/2022                                   Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions at

         Eddie Wise - 03/28/2022                                    406-755-2504 ext. 213 or
                                                                    Be safe. Be happy.

         ISS Event Calendar:                                                             Contributor: Laura Cox

         Employee Appreciation Day – 3rd                                                 ISS Human Resources Officer
         Daylight Saving Time - 12th

         St. Patrick’s Day - 17th
         First Day of Spring - 20th
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