P. 36

36                              ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA 4 (2009)                      ISSN 1989–4104

         Table 2. Dimensions of holes observed along the southwestern wall of the Kweba ng Hapon site.

         longitude and 13° 38’ 15.7” latitude with an elevation of  plants. The depths of the holes are about “tatlong dangkal”
         7.7 metres above sea level. The site, which is along a  or about 30 centimetres.
         river, is covered with atis (Anona squamosa), sampaloc
         trees (Tamarindus  indica), ipil-ipil (Leucaena sp.), and  Oscar Araja Site, Fabrica, Lobo (IV-
         coconut trees (Cocos nucifera). Reports indicate that pots,  2008-P2)
         jars, and plates were retrieved here. Apart from the con-
         temporary earthenware pots and porcelains, we also ob-  One informant Oscar Araja (47 years old) is having the
         served foreign ceramic sherds and fragments of broken  area behind his house dug out when we visited him. The
         pots. We also recovered a fragment of an earthenware  pit is 10 metres deep (fig. 17). Araja’s target depth is 13-
         cover incised with lines. Alfredo Ibañez (58 years old)  14 meters where he believes that  he will find gold. At
         who has been living in the property for the last nine years  five metres deep, he found a tapayan (jar). The broken
         said that he sees many sherds when he digs holes for his  tapayan was left near the edge of the pit but Araja kept

                   Fig. 16. Map of Lobo showing some of the barangays (with red marks) surveyed in 2008 (Municipality of Lobo).
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