Page 12 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 12

AUGUST 23, 1939
                       THE MOLOTOV-RIBBENTROP PACT / GERMANY &

                          RUSSIA AGREE TO A NON-AGGRESSION PACT

               Like  Bismarck  before  him,  Hitler  understands  how  the  dangers  of  British  &
               French intrigue can again entangle Germany into a dangerous two - front war.
               To  alleviate  the  threat  in  the  east,  German  Foreign  Minister  Ribbentrop  and
               Russian  Foreign  Minister  Molotov  sign  the  Molotov-Ribbentrop  Non-
               Aggression Pact.

               Hitler understands what kind of monster Stalin is, but he hopes that if he can at
               least keep the peace with the USSR, the scheming warmongers of Britain and
               France can be prevented from drawing the USSR into a war against Germany.

               Western Globalists are annoyed with Stalin over this pact with Germany. But
               Stalin has his own plans, and his own timetable. Rather than fight Germany
               now,  he  wants  Germany  and  the  Anglo-French  Alliance  to  weaken  each
               other first, in preparation for the day when his Red Army can take all of

                 Molotov - Ribbentrop– Stalin; the agreement to not fight upsets the Globalists,
                                     who mocked the deal in numerous cartoons.
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