Page 9 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 9


               From the days of the American Revolution, to the Jacobin French Revolution, to
               the coalition wars against Napoleon Bonaparte, to Andrew Jackson’s war on the
               Central Bankers, to Karl Marx’s war on sanity, to the American Civil War, to the
               Reds’  shocking  wave  of  19   century  assassinations,  to  the  conspiratorial
               founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve, to the horrific First World War to enslave
               Germany,  to  the  Rothschild-Communist  subversion  of  Russia's  Czar,  to  the
               horrible  World  War  against  Hitler  and  Japan,  to  the  Cold  War,  to  the  JFK
               assassination, to the "women's movement" to the Global Warming Hoax, to the
               "fall of communism", to the 9/11 attacks & the "War On Terror", and finally, to
               the looming confrontation with Russia and China - the common thread of the
               New World Order crime gang links all of these events together.

               At  the  heart  of  this  self-perpetuating  network  sits  the  legendary  House  of
               Rothschild – the true owners of ‘Planet Rothschild’. Through an alliance with
               other  billionaire  families,  universities,  corporations,  think  tanks  and  media
               moguls worldwide; the cabal has, for 250 years, manipulated world events and
               political players like so many pawns on a global chessboard.

               If it’s true that “all the world is a stage”, then the House of Rothschild and its
               international partners are the writers, directors and producers of the exciting play
               called, ‘History”. The politicians are the actors and the TV talking heads are the
               narrators. The audience is humanity itself – most of which, unfortunately, have
               no idea that a rigged show has been, and still is, playing out before their eyes. It
               is a global monster-scam of unimaginable dimensions in which humanity is the


               Now, you can earn your 'Phd' in New World Order studies by reading this epic
               two-volume  timeline  thriller  entitled  PLANET  ROTHSCHILD.  It  is  a  unique
               "blurb by blurb" chronological and photographical review that will enrich your

               depth  of  historical  and  economic  knowledge  like  no  other  work  of  its  kind.
               Travel  through  time  in  just  under  600  easy-to-digest  pages  loaded  with  over
               1200 images. This life-changing work is ideal as a permanent reference & study
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