Page 45 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 45

AUGUST, 1940

                              A JEWISH HOMELAND ON MADAGASCAR

               For centuries, Europeans and Jews have had problems living together. Hitler was
               content to leave them alone and live as resident aliens of Germany. For those
               who wanted to live in Palestine, the 1933 'Transfer Agreement' between the
               German government and the Zionists facilitated that. From 1933-1940, about
               40%  of  Germany's  Jews  immigrated  to  Palestine  with  all  of  their  wealth
               intact. When World War II prevents further cooperation between the Germans
               and the Zionists, it becomes clear that a new “final solution” is needed.

               The plan Hitler envisions is to create a homeland for the Jews on the beautiful
               island of Madagascar, off the coast of southern Africa, and resettle one million
               Jews per year under German protection and supervision. The idea of a Jewish
               homeland on Madagascar had actually been circulating throughout Europe since
               the 1880’s.

               The Madagascar Plan is scrapped when the British invade the island in 1942,
               taking control away from Vichy France after the Battle of Madagascar. A Jewish
               Madagascar would have been a win-win solution for Jews and Europeans and
               would  have  spared  the  poor  Palestinians,  and  other  Arab  nations,  all  of  the
               horrors they would endure after the illegitimate founding of Israel in 1948.

                1-Jewish author Edwin Black’s ‘The Transfer Agreement” reveals the full extent
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