Page 46 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 46

of the cooperation between the Germans and Zionist émigrés.

                2 & 3: Hitler’s ‘Final Solution” was to relocate the Jews to a homeland of their
                                                    own, not kill them.

                                              SEPTEMBER 16, 1940


               While  publicly  insisting  that  American  boys  "will  not  be  going  to  foreign
               wars", FDR continues to secretly prepare for entry into the Globalists' World
               War.  FDR  institutes  a  peacetime  "Selective  Service"  Act  which  requires  all
               males  aged  26-35  to  register  for  an  upcoming  draft  "just  in  case".  The  actual
               draft begins in October 1940. The unlucky draftees are told that they will serve a
               12 month term, based in either the Western Hemisphere, or a US territory.

               By the summer of 1941, the deceitful FDR (who is planning to trick America
               into  the  war  by  way  of  a  Japanese  provocation)  decrees  that  the  terms  be
               lengthened.  Outraged  draftees  protest  FDR's  broken  promise  and  threaten  to
               desert when their 12 months are up. But most will obey the order and continue to
               serve  past  the  promised  October  1941  release  date,  and  right  up  until  the
               "surprise attack" upon Pearl Harbor in December of 1941. This is the first, and
               only, peacetime draft in U.S. history.
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