Page 69 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 69

European  family.  For  the  European  SS,  the  Europe  of  jealousies,  border

               disputes, and economic rivalries is petty. They fight for ‘Europa’ itself.

               The Waffen SS is a true international army of the European peoples. One million
               men fight in the SS, of which, 600,000 are non-German. Officers of the Waffen

               serve  in  the  front  lines  alongside  their  men.  By  war's  end,  half  of  the  SS
               commanders will have been killed in action. During and after the brutal winter of
               41-42, it is the Waffen SS who will stand their ground and delay the massive
               Soviet counter offensive. By the end of the war, 40% of the Waffen SS will have
               been killed or gone missing. Were it not for the tenacity and sacrifice of the
               heroic Waffen volunteers, all of Europe would have been lost to the Soviet
               hordes.  It  is  not  surprising  that  to  this  day,  the  "SS"  is  still  vilified  in  the
               Globalist press.

                Waffen SS banner includes emblems from every nation of Europe. The force was
                                         headed by Heinrich Himmler (right).


                                                 JEWISH DOCTOR

               Hitler was not fanatically anti-Jewish as much as he was anti-Marxist, although
               there was large overlap between the two groups. As hard as it may be to believe,
               it  is  absolutely  true  that  about  60,000  half-Jewish,  and  90,000  quarter-Jewish
               soldiers fought for Hitler’s Germany. (35) Among these were decorated soldiers,
               officers, and even Generals and Admirals.
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