Page 65 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 65

These Finnish children were executed by Soviet Partisans

                             THE SAD FATE OF THE VOLGA GERMANS

               The  Volga  Germans  are  ethnic  Germans  living  along  the  River  Volga  in
               southeastern Russia. Recruited as immigrants to Russia in the 18th century, they
               had always been allowed to maintain their culture, language, and traditions

               After the German invasion in 1941, the Soviets consider the Volga Germans as
               potential collaborators. On August 28, 1941, Stalin dissolves the Volga-German
               Republic and orders the immediate relocation of ethnic Germans. About 400,000
               Volga Germans are stripped of their land and houses; and transported eastward
               to Soviet Central Asia, and Siberia. By 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German
               population  will  have  been  conscripted  to  the  NKVD  slave-labor  columns.  At
               least one-third will not survive the camps.

                Their only “crime” was being of German ancestry. Volga Germans were forced

                       from their homes and herded onto cattle cars bound for slave camps

                          THE GERMAN SOLDIER’s 10 COMMANDMENTS

               The German soldier is the best behaved and honorable soldier of Europe. Every
               soldier  receives  a  copy  of  ‘The  German  Soldier’s  10  Commandments  and  is
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