Page 63 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 63


               With Stalin’s Evil Empire facing extinction at the hands of German forces, FDR
               moves quickly to rescue the murderous regime. He unfreezes Soviet assets that
               had been frozen after Stalin’s attack on Finland in 1939, enabling the Soviets to
               immediately purchase 59 Fighter aircraft. The “Arsenal of Democracy” is now,
               “The Arsenal of Communism.”

               By  1945,  the  staggering  amount  of  Lend-Lease  deliveries  to  Stalin  include
               11,000  aircraft,  4,000  bombers,  400,000  trucks,  12,000  tanks  and  combat
               vehicles, 32,000 motorcycles, 13,000 locomotives and railway cars, 8,000 anti-
               aircraft cannons, 135.000 submachine guns, 300,000 tons of explosives, 40,000
               field  radios,  400  radar  systems,  400,000  metal  cutting  machine  tools,  several
               million  tons  of  food,  steel,  other  metals,  oil  and  gasoline,  chemicals  etc.  (31)

               Without  this  ENORMOUS  INFUSION  of  American  aid,  the  Germans
               would probably have finished off Stalin after the spring thaw of 1942.

                                         1-The headline from 1941 says it all.

                2-Contrary to the claims of Red propaganda, U. S. industry resupplied much of
                 the depleted Red Army. 3-Alaskan monument shown above commemorates the
                              massive aid which flowed from Alaska through Siberia.

                                                    JUNE 29, 1941
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