Page 61 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 61
non-aggression pact was broken when Stalin attacked Finland. Soviet invasions
of the Baltic States and eastern Romania, along with a recent Communist-backed
coup in Yugoslavia all combine to offer still more proof that Stalin is up to
Now, with Germany and Britain distracted, Stalin threatens all of Europe. Hitler
had hoped to remove the Soviet threat in April, but invasion plans were delayed
by Mussolini’s misadventures in Africa and Greece. When “Operation
Barbarossa” is launched, the Red Army is caught flat-footed and bunched up in
offensive positions. Millions of Soviet troops are taken prisoner, and the
devastating loss of weaponry and equipment leaves the Red Army neutralized.
Up to 65% of all Soviet tanks, field guns, machine guns, and anti-tank guns are
either destroyed or captured. The Germans rout the Reds all the way back to the
gates of Moscow, liberating many cheering Ukrainian, Baltic, and even Russian
people along the way. It is only the onset of the brutal Russian winter that forces
the Germans to pause their stunning offensive. The 2 month delay due to
Mussolini’s folly in Greece may have saved Stalin’s regime from a total collapse
in 1941.
Liberated from the Stalin & Kaganovich death cult, happy Ukrainians cheer the
invading German soldiers. When the German offensive almost reaches Moscow,
Stalin is forced to flee eastward.