Page 96 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 96
The oil fields of Romania fuel the German military. An Allied advance on the
Balkans through Yugoslavia and Greece would be disastrous for Germany. From
Italy and the Balkans, the Allies can then launch a final push upon Germany
itself from the south and southeast.
Inexplicably, Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower.(‘Ike’) and Army Chief of
Staff George Marshall (who had promoted Eisenhower over scores of senior
officers) insist upon making preparations for an invasion of heavily fortified
Northern France the following year.
This bizarre “blunder” prolongs the war, buys the Soviets much needed time to
march westward, and eventually enables Stalin to steal Eastern Europe.
There is a reason for this geo-political “blunder”. FDR and his Globalist gang
envision a post-war world in which the Soviets and the United States join
forces to lay the foundation for a ‘New World Order’ (World Government).
However, after the war, Stalin will break with the Globalists and move towards a
form of Nationalistic Communism instead; an extension of the ideological
conflict that had bitterly divided Stalin and Trotsky during the 1920’s. Stalin still
supports world-wide Communist revolution, of course, but his vision of a New
World Order is one in which Moscow calls the shots, not London or New York.
1-The traitor Marshall (r) advanced the career of the traitor Eisenhower (l).
2-With most of Italy conquered, and the Soviets advancing from the east, why the
plan to storm fortified beaches in France?