Page 91 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 91

JULY, 1943

                     HAMBURG BURNS OR SUFFOCATES 42,000 GERMAN

               The Firebombing of Hamburg creates a tornado of fire so intense; it actually
               lifts people off of the streets and into the fire. Those who are not burned to death
               suffocate in shelters as the fire above sucks up all the oxygen.

               Hundreds  of  US  and  UK  aircraft  feed  the  inferno  with  wave  after  wave  of
               incendiary bombings. As a sick joke, the demonic planners of the genocide of
               Hamburg  actually  code  named  the  arson  attack  “Operation  Gomorrah”,  after
               the Hebrew Bible story of the cities which God destroyed by fire and brimstone.

               (Sodom & Gomorrah)

               Operation  Gomorrah  deploys  3,000  aircraft  and  9,000  tons  of  bombs.  It  kills
               42,000 people, with an equal number injured. Indeed, more Germans died on
               that  fateful  night  in  Hamburg  than  the  total  number  of  British  civilians

               killed during five years of war! One million traumatized German refugees flee
               the city in which 250,000 homes were destroyed.
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