Page 86 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 86
The Battle of Midway is the most important naval battle of the Pacific Ocean
campaign. The U.S. Navy, under the command of Admiral Chester W. Nimitz,
decisively defeats the Japanese, inflicting irreparable damage upon the Japanese
fleet. After Midway, Japan’s Pacific defense perimeter of islands steadily shrinks
as Japan cannot replace its lost ships and aircraft as fast as the U.S. can.
Though Midway marks a turning point, the U.S. will sustain much more
casualties as the Japanese tenaciously defend their Pacific perimeter for many
months to come.
Chester W. Nimitz / The region From Manchuria to Midway was Japan's defense
JULY, 1942 – FEBRUARY, 1943
The Battle of Stalingrad between the Germans and the Soviets was fought for
control of the strategically vital Russian city that Stalin named after himself
(today known as Volgograd). It will go down in history as the bloodiest battle
ever, with combined deaths of nearly 2 million. Stalin’s refusal to pull the Red
Army out of the city leads to a long siege and great suffering for the hungry