Page 90 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 90
combine to take a heavy toll on Germany.
General Friedrich Paulus requests that Hitler allow the 6 Army at Stalingrad
to surrender. Hitler, knowing what the stakes were for Germany and Europe, and
knowing that Stalin would kill any prisoners, orders Paulus to hold firm.
In February, the cowardly general finally surrenders his army to the tender
mercy of the Stalin-Kaganovich death cult. About 35,000 of the men under
Paulus’s command had already been evacuated from the front. The remaining
91,000 are marched off to Soviet slave camps. Only 6,000 of them ever returned
Paulus eventually sells out to the Soviets altogether, joining the ‘National
Committee for Free Germany’ and urging German troops to defy orders and
surrender. After testifying at the post-war Nuremberg show-trials for the Soviets,
he was released and spent the rest of his life as a mouthpiece for Communist
East Germany.
In May, the campaign in North Africa ends as German troops evacuate. That
same month, Admiral Donitz removes all German U-boats from the Atlantic
after 41 subs are sunk in just 3 weeks! Germany is now limited to playing
defense as the Allies slowly tighten the Globalist noose around Hitler’s Reich.
Betrayed by their General, cold, tired and hungry Germans surrender at
Stalingrad. Many will die on the death march to Siberian labor camps.