Page 83 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 83

1-Innocent AMERICANS rounded up and herded onto camp-bound trains.

                       2-Innocent Japanese-American boys, trapped behind FDR's fences.

                                                      1942 - 1945

                           LIKE A DOG TO SUPPORT THE WAR EFFORT

               The commonly-held economic fallacies that war is good for the economy and
               that  World  War  II  pulled  America  out  of  the  Great  Depression  are  based  on
               ignorance;  nothing  more.  War  is  waste;  plain  and  simple.  The  increased
               productivity (Gross Domestic Product) and decreased unemployment associated
               with  a  wartime  slave  economy  benefit  only  the  industry  bosses  who  own  the
               factories  and  the  bankers  financing  the  new  spending.  The  goods  that  are
               churned out do not benefit the working public because they have to be shipped to
               the soldiers overseas; in many cases to be destroyed.

               World War II was a time of great sacrifice for both the American men who were
               compelled to fight, bleed and die, as well as for “Rosie the Riveter” on the home
               front. As consumers, the women who were herded into buzzing factories faced

               shortages of everything from metals to quality food and clothes.

               The U.S., British, and Soviet armies sucked up the manufactured “goods” while
               Americans  struggled.  Car  bumpers  were  actually  made  of  wood  during  these
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