Page 80 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 80
of truth and violations of law are unparalleled in history.
I am sure that all of you have regarded it as an act of deliverance that a country
[Japan] has finally acted to protest against all this in the very way that this man
had actually hoped for, and which should not surprise him now [the attack on
Pearl Harbor]. After years of negotiating with this deceiver, the Japanese
government finally had its fill of being treated in such a humiliating way. All
of us, the German people and, I believe, all other decent people around the
world as well, regard this with deep appreciation.
We know the power behind Roosevelt. It is the same eternal Jew that believes
that his hour has come to impose the same fate on us that we have all seen and
experienced with horror in Soviet Russia. We have gotten to know firsthand the
Jewish paradise on earth. Millions of German soldiers have personally seen the
land where this international Jewry has destroyed and annihilated people and
property. Perhaps the President of the United States does not understand this. If
so, that only speaks for his intellectual narrow-mindedness.
And we know that his entire effort is aimed at this goal: Even if we were not
allied with Japan, we would still realize that the Jews and their Franklin
Roosevelt intend to destroy one state after another. The German Reich of today
has nothing in common with the Germany of the past. For our part, we will now
do what this provocateur has been trying to achieve for years. And not just
because we are allied with Japan, but rather because Germany and Italy with
their present leaderships have the insight and strength to realize that in this
historic period the existence or non-existence of nations is being determined,
perhaps for all time. What this other world has in store for us is clear. They
were able to bring the democratic Germany of the past to starvation, and they
seek to destroy the National Socialist Germany of today.
When Mr. Churchill and Mr. Roosevelt declare that they want to one day build
a new social order, that's about the same as a bald-headed barber
recommending a tonic guaranteed to make hair grow. Rather than incite war,
these gentlemen, who live in the most socially backward countries, should have
concerned themselves with their own unemployed people. They have enough
misery and poverty in their own countries to keep themselves busy insuring a
just distribution of food there. As far as the German nation is concerned, it
doesn't need charity, either from Mr. Churchill or Mr. Roosevelt -- but it does
demand its rights. And it will do what it must to insure its right to life, even if a