Page 77 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 77
"When the news first came that Japan had attacked us, my
first feeling was of relief that a crisis had come in a way
which would unite all our people. This continued to be my
dominant feeling in spite of the news of catastrophes which
quickly developed." (2)
1-While wearing a black armband of "mourning" for the very men that he
himself murdered, the wicked traitor FDR signs the Declaration of War.
2-Propaganda posters blanketed America
"….We hereby declare war upon the United States of America and the British
To ensure the stability of East Asia, and to contribute to world peace, is the
farsighted policy which was formulated by our great illustrious Imperial
Grandsire and Great Imperial Sire … To cultivate friendship among nations
and to enjoy prosperity in common with all nations has always been the
guiding principle of our Empire's foreign policy.
It has truly been unavoidable and far from our wishes that our Empire has