Page 76 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 76
The "Day of Infamy" was not a "surprise". FDR allowed 2,400 US sailors to die
without warning.
1-The Great Deceiver plays innocent while addressing the nation.
2- “Remember Pearl Harbor” - Ignorant young men volunteer to die in the
Globalists’ war.
DECEMBER 8-11, 1941
The day after Pearl Harbor, Congress declares war on Japan. Even the
“isolationists” cannot resist the war fever caused by what FDR calls “an
unprovoked attack”.
Japan also issues a declaration. Germany and Italy then fulfill their Tripartite
Treaty obligation to Japan, by announcing that a state of war now exists between
the Axis nations and the U.S. (though they have neither the intention nor the
means to actually cross the Atlantic and attack the U.S. mainland). Congress
then follows with additional declarations upon Germany and Italy.
Again, from the diary of FDR’s War (Defense) Secretary, Henry Stimson, we
learn that Stimson’s immediate and “dominant feeling” was not one of sorrow or
outrage over the lost lives at Pearl Harbor, but rather of relief.