Page 72 - Media&Information Literacy - Good Practices
P. 72

National Collaboration

                               In 2017 some non government organizations and national coalitions
                               decided to start a civil campaign aimed to improve the level of
                               media&information literacy in the Bulgarian schools. 11 non government

                               organizations in the field of education and media tried to combine their
                               efforts in the framework of new civil coalition, whose purpose to help

                               Bulgarian students’ to improve their media&information literacy skills.

                               Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria and The Bulgarian Safer

                               Internet Center are among these organizations as well as many others.
                               The purpose of the coalition is not only to encourage a public debate

                               about this topic, but also to popularize good examples of schools/teachers,
                               educational institutions, organizations and media companies willing to
                               build such skills. That is why media literacy is becoming more and more

                               popular in the Bulgarian community and is going to be one of the most
                               important new educational programs.


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