Page 43 - Binder1_Christmas_book
P. 43
esus lived on earth for thirty-three years. He lived with his parents,
Mary and Joseph, and worked with his father, who was a carpenter. At age
thirty, he began his ministry, which lasted only three years. During that time
He preached about God being our Father who knows us intimately and loves
us. Jesus taught us about The Kingdom of God and how we should live and
keep His Commandments; not out of fear but because we love God. These
Commandments were meant to keep us free from sin and safe from the
dangers of evil.
Jesus taught us to love one another as we love ourselves. He taught
us to help each other and give what we can without expecting anything in
return. Jesus taught this by example as He suffered and laid down His
life for us so that we might have life everlasting. People came from far away
to hear Him speak. He was sought after and had thousands of followers and
disciples. Jesus called His twelve Apostles who left everything they had to
follow Him. There were many people who were healed by His countless
miracles. When people heard of His miracles they believed and brought all
who needed healing to Him. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
therefore He continues to heal, forgive and give hope to whomever comes
to Him.
Jesus died at the age of thirty-three he was severely beaten, crowned
with thorns that pierced his head, and died by being crucified. His mother,
Mary, stood at the foot of His cross. On the third day after his death; he rose
from the dead in fulfillment of the Scriptures.