Page 106 - Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
P. 106
paper Sign the papers, The printer needs more
please. paper.
religion Three religions worship Religion is a powerful
here. bond.
talk He gave four All this talk makes me
conference talks. tired.
Some non-count nouns end in -s but are not usually treated as plurals.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ civics economics ethics mathematics measles See also section 8.6,
8.5 Definite and Indefinite Articles with Nouns
Articles are used to introduce nouns in a noun phrase. They indicate whether the
noun is singular or plural, whether it is a specific noun or any noun of that type,
and whether we are talking about a new noun or a noun that has already been
introduced in the conversation.
There are two types of articles: definite and indefinite.
The only definite article is the, which also happens to be one of the most
common words in English. It is used to indicate a specific noun, either one
discussed before, one likely to be known to all participants, or one that is
important or exceptional.
■ The final boss in that video game is nearly unbeatable.
■ That’s not the scarf that goes with those gloves.
■ Give him the book he wanted.
■ When you get to the ninth grade, elementary school seems far away.
■ ■ ■ ■ mumps news physics tennis There are two indefinite articles: a and an.
■ A cat is a furry mammal with a long tail.
■ An alligator is a reptile with many teeth.