Page 11 - Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
P. 11
16.2.3 Commas and Interjections
16.2.4 Commas and Vocative Uses
16.2.5 Commas and Nonessential Ideas
16.2.6 Commas and Essential Ideas
16.2.7 Commas and Series
16.2.8 Commas and Adjectives
16.2.9 Commas and Descriptions
16.2.10 Commas that Set Off Names and Dates
16.2.11 Commas and Dialog
16.2.12 Common Mistakes with Commas
16.3 Question Mark
16.4 Exclamation Mark
16.5 Colon
16.6 Semicolon
16.7 Hyphen
16.8 Dash
16.8.1 En Dash
16.8.2 Em Dash
16.9 Apostrophe
16.10 Quotation Marks
16.11 Parentheses and Brackets
17.1 Avoiding Adverbs
17.2 Bored Of versus Bored By versus Bored With
17.3 Can versus May
17.4 Capital Letters
17.5 Clichés
17.6 Conjunctions at the Beginning of a Sentence