Page 15 - Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
P. 15


               F   irst, browse the book to familiarize yourself with its contents. Then, when

               questions come up, use the table of contents to find answers. Each entry has an

               index number. Related subjects appear near each other or are mentioned in a
               cross-reference like this: see section 8.0, Nouns.

                    I know many readers like to dip and skim for pleasure, so I’ve written this
               book so you can open to any page, read for a few minutes, and go away with a

               little nugget of information. Of course, you can read the whole thing straight

               through, too, if that’s your style. I don’t judge.
                    To make everything easier to understand, I’ve included example sentences,

               lists and charts, and a glossary explaining some of the specialized language of
               grammar and linguistics.
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20