Page 94 - The World's Best Boyfriend
P. 94


               Two weeks had passed since her breakdown on Freshers’ Day and that’s about

               the time she used to take to bounce back into the scheme of things.
                  The Freshers’ Day would still be treated as a success, a sign of things to come,
               and Dhruv would be branded an outcaste. She hadn’t seen much of him in the
               last two weeks though it had become common knowledge that he had been

               dating Ritika, a girl who shared a paper-thin wall with Aranya in the hostel.
               Needless to say, Ritika was a run-of-the-mill pretty girl—curly hair with a hint

               of brown in them, average height, always knew what to wear, fair and decent
               features, and thin, too.
                  What did you expect out of someone like Dhruv? That vain bastard?
                  Ritika had already found herself a group of girls in the hostel with similar

               interests. They were nice girls but a little too silly and a little too obsessed with
               their own faces. It used to be somewhat odd for Aranya to be in conversations

               where only Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Whatsapp were discussed.
                  Her Facebook picture was a bird.
                  She found herself on the same bench as Ritika whose carefully curated style
               could be called hastily put together and bohemian. She almost never had any

               make-up on and relied on the natural blush of her skin and the good fortune of
               her genes.

                  Ritika was quite the blabbermouth. ‘So yesterday, we went to Greater Kailash
               and this guy was staring at me like there’s no tomorrow. You have no idea what
               Dhruv did. He just went and smashed the guy’s head into a pole. Like literally. It

               was straight out of a movie.’
                  The girls gasped.

                  ‘He held me and took me away from there. That guy had a few friends but
               they didn’t dare to cross Dhruv’s path. You should have seen his eyes.’
                  Aranya shook her head and concentrated on the assignment they had to submit

               the day after.
                  ‘Tell us more!’ a girl asked.
                  ‘You’re getting nothing out of me.’ Ritika blushed, knowing fully well where

               this conversation was heading.
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