Page 98 - The World's Best Boyfriend
P. 98
It took Aranya six hours, four missed classes, and six reference books to
complete Raghuvir’s assignment. Solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded using only
toes would have been easier.
On and off, she had been unwittingly thinking about Ritika and Dhruv,
imagining the details of their date, putting the pieces together. Ritika wasn’t as
dumb as she thought. She clearly lied about Dhruv being old school and wanting
to take it slow. Of course, they did it. That bitch. It was too hot for that muffler
that she wore to hide a possible love bite.
That night her assignment was passed from one group to another in the girl’s
hostel, and everyone stayed up copying every word. Some sparkling examples of
the Indian education system ended up copying her name.
She was the first one in class that day, fresh and well rested. Some girls had
missed breakfast and were still copying her assignment. She sat on the first
bench with her carefully organized registers and books.
‘Hey, I need a favour,’ said Dhruv striding in. His knuckles were bandaged.
‘Excuse me?’
‘Ritika hasn’t done the assignment yet. We were out all night and she didn’t
get the time. You need to ask for an extension of a couple of hours from
Raghuvir sir,’ demanded Dhruv.
‘And why exactly would I do that?’
‘Because I’m requesting you.’
‘You’re bending over my table and you’re breathing into my face. This hardly
looks like requesting,’ snapped Aranya.
Dhruv stood straight and folded his hands. ‘I request you. Give her time.’
‘There’s sarcasm in your voice.’
‘Just like there was in yours,’ said Dhruv and put his hands into his pocket.
‘I’m not the one being a girlfriend’s mouthpiece,’ retorted Aranya.
‘But you’re being a scheming bitch, aren’t you?’
‘Excuse me?’
Dhruv whipped out a Xerox copy of Aranya’s assignment from his back
pocket and flipped it to its end. ‘Here.’ He pointed to the last step of the