Page 102 - The Book Thief
P. 102
In the Hubermann household that morning, all was typical.
That Saukerl s looking out the window again, cursed Rosa Hubermann. Every
day, she went on. What are you looking at this time?
Ohhh, moaned Papa with delight. The flag cloaked his back from the top of the
window. You should have a look at this woman I can see. He glanced over his
shoulder and grinned at Liesel. I might just go and run after her. She leaves you
for dead, Mama.
Schwein! She shook the wooden spoon at him.
Papa continued looking out the window, at an imaginary woman and a very real
corridor of German flags.
On the streets of Molching that day, each window was decorated for the Fhrer.
In some places, like Frau Dillers, the glass was vigorously washed, and the
swastika looked like a jewel on a red-and-white blanket. In others, the flag
trundled from the ledge like washing hung out to dry. But it was there.
Earlier, there had been a minor calamity. The Hubermanns couldnt find their
Theyll come for us, Mama warned her husband. Theyll come and take us away.
They. We have to find it! At one point, it seemed like Papa might have to go
down to the basement and paint a flag on one of his drop sheets. Thankfully, it
turned up, buried behind the accordion in the cupboard.
That infernal accordion, it was blocking my view! Mama swiveled. Liesel!
The girl had the honor of pinning the flag to the window frame.
Hans Junior and Trudy came home for the afternoon eating, like they did at
Christmas or Easter. Now seems like a good time to introduce them a little more
Hans Junior had the eyes of his father and the height. The silver in his eyes,
however, wasnt warm, like Papastheyd been Fhrer ed. There was more flesh on
his bones, too, and he had prickly blond hair and skin like off-white paint.