Page 104 - The Book Thief
P. 104

Well, have you even tried again? You cant just sit around waiting for the new
               world to take it with you. You have to go out and be part of itdespite your past

               Papa looked up. Mistakes? Ive made many mistakes in my life, but not joining
               the Nazi Party isnt one of them. They still have my applicationyou know thatbut
               I couldnt go back to ask. I just . . .

               That was when a great shiver arrived.

               It waltzed through the window with the draft. Perhaps it was the breeze of the
               Third Reich, gathering even greater strength. Or maybe it was just Europe again,
               breathing. Either way, it fell across them as their metallic eyes clashed like tin
               cans in the kitchen.

               Youve never cared about this country, said Hans Junior. Not enough, anyway.

               Papas eyes started corroding. It did not stop Hans Junior. He looked now for
               some reason at the girl. With her three books standing upright on the table, as if
               in conversation, Liesel was silently mouthing the words as she read from one of
               them. And what trash is this girl reading? She should be reading Mein Kampf.

               Liesel looked up.

               Dont worry, Liesel, Papa said. Just keep reading. He doesnt know what hes

               But Hans Junior wasnt finished. He stepped closer and said, Youre either for the
               Fhrer or against himand I can see that youre against him. You always have been.

               Liesel watched Hans Junior in the face, fixated on the thinness of his lips and the
               rocky line of his bottom teeth. Its pathetichow a man can stand by and do
               nothing as a whole nation cleans out the garbage and makes itself great.

               Trudy and Mama sat silently, scaredly, as did Liesel. There was the smell of pea
               soup, something burning, and confrontation.

               They were all waiting for the next words.
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