Page 118 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 118

‘By the way, is Alara still upset with me?’

                   ‘Of course, she is! We must make an attempt to make things better.’
                   ‘I think she must perform at the New Year’s.’

                   ‘She must, but I guess she won’t be performing until she finds Elisha.
                She needs closure.’
                   ‘Everyone needs closure. Even I need one. But after so many years of her

                disappearance  I  have  come  to  accept  the  fact  that  she  has  most  possibly
                died. I want to believe very much that Alara finds her, but it seems almost
                unbearable to carry this hope buried within me.’
                   Let  me  read  this  out  to  you  from  my  diary.  With  the  events  that  have
                unfolded in the last few days, I have started penning a lot of my feelings

                   Dear My Past Self,

                   I wish you knew that you will finally make it. I wish I could tell you not to
                cry on sleepless nights. I wish I could tell you that you deserve every dream
                that you wish to achieve.
                   ‘What is love according to you?’ Aarav asks.

                   ‘Love defies rules, knows no limits, and chooses to be ever-giving.’

                   ‘What is passion according to you?’
                   ‘Passion sets our hearts on fire and frees us like a mighty eagle.’

                   ‘What if she decides to never come back to perform here?’
                   ‘No matter how hard you try, some relationships will never go back to
                the way they were. Acceptance is peace. If she chooses not to, I’m okay

                with that.’
                   I roam around the world to search of you but come back home to feel you
                within. We all take different journeys to reach the same destination - being
                at peace with ourselves. Some meditate, some pray, I often dive and surf as
                the ocean keeps calling me in my dreams and reality alike.

                   ‘How was your Dad’s retirement party that happened last week?’

                   ‘It  was  an  amazing  night  filled  with  a  mix  of  emotions.  It  was  so
                wonderful to hear him speak to a larger audience, and while everyone spoke
                about retirement as the end , he spoke about it as the beginning .’
                   ‘The beginning?’
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