Page 123 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 123

On  repeated  requests  by  the  students,  one  of  the  kids  called  Vishal
                performs a rap song. I encourage them to follow their dreams and to keep at
                their inner calling despite the challenges they would face. I feel glad to have

                chosen  to  spend  my  day  with  them.  I  share  with  them  that  the  most
                successful man is one who adds value to the ones around him and believes
                in nurturing the society as a whole.
                   ‘Before I leave, I have a question for you all. What is the one thing that
                sets you apart from others?’

                   While everyone gives it a try, I love this one the most: ‘A smile on your
                face sets you apart from others. There are some feelings which will be there
                even  after  we  are  all  long  gone.  Our  bodies  might  become  a  topic  of

                research, but our stories will be passed on from one generation to the other.
                The more love we share, the more we would help shape a loving world!’
                   And yes, amidst all the chaos, the bliss is in sharing a smile, a word, or a
                gesture of love. Go ahead. Make a person smile today. Anyone, anywhere!
                At your office, cafeteria, metro train, taxi - the choice is yours! When you

                come back home, your problems might still be the same, but you will have
                found  the  courage  to  sail  through!  Millennials,  we  are  much  more  than
                blindfolded consumers; we are loving and caring human beings, and there’s
                more to our lives than owning the latest gadgets! I am glad that even though
                these kids are not the chosen ones, they are choosing to live their dreams.

                   ‘  Don’t  let  anyone  tell  you  that  you’re  born  ordinary.  Not  even  your
                teachers. Nothing is determined at birth. Extraordinary results come from
                extraordinary efforts,’ I tell them as I sign off from the session.

                   Aarav joins in. He is wearing a cobalt blue shirt. The inner lining of his
                collar is visible till it converges at the first button. I look at him with the
                concentration  of  a  saint.  I  imagine  myself  wearing  the  same  shirt  and
                getting morning coffee for him.

                   I ask him, ‘Where were you? Today is an important day!’
                   ‘Uncle Ricky and I kept chatting till late in the night. I missed the alarm
                and the subsequent snooze. I am sorry!’

                   ‘It’s okay. Let us go to the office. Lakshmi might be here by now.’
                   As we head back to the office, Lakshmi and Parvathi are already there,

                waiting for us.
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