Page 127 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 127

‘Did you tell my dad that I am here?’

                   ‘Not yet,’ she murmurs. Parvathi watches the scene silently. What could
                she say anyway? She has been the friend I trusted, the friend who cheated
                   ‘I need some time with myself,’ I pick up the letter and make a move
                towards my room. I don’t bother Aarav. I just want to be with myself.

                   Her letter feels like darkness at the end of a tunnel. My decision to keep
                at my dreams and find you someday kept me happy on most days, mom.
                But today, I feel wounded. I feel deserted. I feel as if I have failed to find

                   I feel hurt, hurt really deep. But it’s not like the wound you might get
                when you go for running and fall, nor the kind of hurt that slipping your
                hand off a knife would cause. It’s the kind of hurt so deep that I believe I
                might as well die.

                   Oh! Did I forget to mention that I am contemplating death? Right now.
                Well, yes I am.

                   It  is  not  because  of  the  pain  that  this  kind  of  hurt  causes.  It’s  for  the
                pleasure that freeing myself of this burden would offer - the burden of never
                meeting you again. No, I’m not at fault. Don’t blame me. Like I’ve told
                you, my soul tricked me into this. Yes, it did. The only wrong I did was
                listen to it. If I would not have come all this way to search for you, I would
                have died with the hope that you’re alive somewhere.

                   But tonight, I am not going to listen to it. I have made up my mind. I
                would rather talk to it. I would want it to see the consequences of luring me
                to follow my dream. Eventually, I would either talk it out of this or die. But

                there’s no way I’m carrying this burden any further.
                   But how do you know the kind of hurt I’m talking about?

                   You can imagine it if you have ever experienced a dream shattering into a
                million pieces like glass. If you’re one of those people who have been wary
                of the consequences of dreaming and, therefore, have not dreamt thus far,
                you’re not courageous enough. Maybe even the wise aren’t spared by the
                trap  of  love,  and  if  not  dreams,  I’m  sure  love  wouldn’t  have  spared  you
                from  feeling  this  -  the  kind  of  hurt  that  I  am  talking  about.  The  hurt  of

                someone close to you leaving you forever, or passing away.
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