Page 132 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 132

Ricky has been depressed ever since I told him the truth. Sheen and I have
                made numerous efforts at convincing him to play the drums again, but all
                have been in vain. It’s New Year’s tonight and I just wish that I succeed at

                my last attempt. I have asked Alara to reach Ricky’s early in the morning at
                seven. Together, we will try to move the stubborn Ricky.
                   The board in front of Ricky’s today reads:

                   It’s New Year again! But did you really get a chance to reflect upon the
                last year? If yes, did you jot down your learnings?
                   Here  is  ours:  Set  fitness  goals,  sing  your  heart  out  loud,  dance  to  the

                sound of the ocean, travel more, think beyond set limits, explore the inner
                you, dare to dream, and believe in LOVE.
                   I  greet  Ricky.  He  is  busy  attending  to  clients.  Ricky’s  is  done  up  in
                balloons of yellow color. Alara pulls a chair next to me as she joins me.
                After making me wait for half an hour, he comes and joins us at the table.

                   ‘Nice write up on the board,’ I tell Ricky.

                   ‘Sheen has put it up.’
                   ‘What are YOUR learnings?’ I ask with curiosity.

                   ‘My biggest learnings are very similar to the kind of experiences I had on
                the ocean. Do what you love and do more of it. In my case, I love floating
                on the ocean and, therefore, make sure that I go back to the ocean when I
                need to heal. This process is like meditation for me. Circumstances are just
                like the waves of the ocean. The more you try to fight them, the more you

                struggle and eventually lose. Can you really challenge Mother Earth? But
                the more you loosen yourself, the farther you move. In fact, the waves then
                help you move. So, let loose of the circumstances, you can’t really control
                things  external  to  you.’  He  takes  a  short  pause  as  he  continues,  ‘Some
                dreams can never come true.’

                   ‘While some can,’ Alara says as she interrupts Ricky. ‘One such dream is
                my mother’s last wish that I record an album. I feel it’s incomplete without
                you playing the drums.’

                   Ricky doesn’t speak for a while. There is an awkward silence.
                   ‘Why don’t you say yes? I remember that we spoke about closure. Would
                this not be it?’

                   ‘I can never forgive myself. She came back but I had left. She had no
                family,’ he sobs. I was seeing Ricky shed tears for the first time. He was
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