Page 134 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 134

filled bottles in the fridge during summers. I hate doing that. Really. If I had
                to make a list of chores I hate, it would be like: 1. My job, 2. Filling bottles,
                3. Taking care of an infant. They are sticky, leaky, and germy. I rest my case.

                   Try and go back to your parents and tell them that you’ve quit your job
                today.  That  is  the  moment  you’ll  know  seeking  support  is  like  seeking  a
                mirage. Only you can support yourself, you do not need anyone.

                   Job is not the problem. Our mentality is flawed in the first place. We get
                an MBA to seek jobs. Why don’t we think of setting our own business? I am
                happy that my colleague Shikhar is doing so.

                   I often feel blue. Mid-week blues hit you harder after you’ve enjoyed a
                long weekend road-tripping. It is like finding light at the end of a tunnel, but
                when you get to it, it is nothing but a light bulb, a dead end. The worst thing
                is not the false hope, the worst thing is that the light bulb is incandescent
                not LED, and now even Greta is disgusted by you.

                   But guess what, my life is going to be a road trip from now on.
                   I often wonder what if people could pursue different courses at different
                times in their lives. How hilarious would it be if a doctor behaves like a

                lawyer, or a dentist finally like a doctor?
                   I  should  have  asked  these  questions  prior  to  making  one  of  the  most
                expensive decisions of my life. If only Quora was live in those days.

                   I wonder if these unfortunate series of events in my life could be undone
                and if I could have the option to choose my career again, would anything be
                different? I was surrounded by such thoughts quite a lot, more so after a
                stretched vacation or a bad day at office!

                   The carefree life of kids makes me jealous. They don’t live in constant
                fear  of  rejection  and  judgement.  They  don’t  have  to  think  of  the
                consequences and ramifications of their acts. They just let it be. There is no
                security.  The  colourful  picture  we  call  life  is  fucked  and  is  completely
                staged against you, and in the end all we need for a good night’s sleep is
                our mother’s warm hug.

                   We always settle for less!

                   Like how we serve our guests on the best plates but feed ourselves off the
                worst.  You  would  settle  for  a  career  choice  that  might  not  be  yours  but
                someone  else’s.  If  you  come  from  a  middle-class  family,  it  will  most
                certainly be your family’s.
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