Page 22 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 22

While she has all the reasons to believe what the local media reported,
                years  after  Elisha  disappeared,  she  has  no  idea  that  we’re  discussing  my
                mother. I want to mention again that they never found her body but the onus

                of changing the topic is totally on me now.
                   ‘I’m not into drugs, thankfully!’ I laugh as I make an attempt to take her
                attention away from Elisha.

                   ‘You must have fans though?’
                   ‘Yeah! You must also subscribe to my YouTube channel,’ I suggest to her.

                   She unlocks her smartphone in an instant and opens up the search panel
                of YouTube . She gestures at me to browse for my channel.
                   AlaraOfficial, I type and hand the phone back to her. She immediately

                taps on Subscribe. She then puts my latest song ‘Time’ on ‘listen offline’
                download. ‘I’m going to listen to this,’ she smiles.
                   ‘What do you do by the way?’ I ask her.

                   ‘I work as a social media manager for a digital agency. I can skyrocket
                your follower numbers overnight,’ she winks.
                   ‘I want to get away from the glare of social media.’

                   ‘Oh! Really?’

                   ‘Yes, I want to take some time off and work on original compositions. I
                write and sing my own songs, you know! Creativity is faced with a block
                when the mind is not free. I want to be free.’
                   ‘Your  trip  is  more  like  soul  searching,  reflecting!  Like  one  of  those

                Hollywood films. All I can say is that you won’t find a better place than
                Goa. The sea and its vistas are so tranquil.’
                   ‘Oh yes, they are! I have seen a lot of pictures online.’

                   ‘Reality  is  far  beyond  the  soulless  photoshopped  pictures.  How  can
                people  feed  their  soul  by  just  stalking  bloggers  on  Instagram?  I  believe
                you’ve got to walk out, explore, and come back with your own story.’

                   ‘I totally second that.’
                   The air-hostesses start with their demonstration process. As I look out of
                the window, the jet turbines move in a gigantic circular motion. She plugs

                in her earphones and tells me that she’s listening to my song ‘Time’.
                   I lay my back against the seat. Takeoffs don’t give me a nice feeling. It’s
                like leaving the land and charting into the unknown. But isn’t only when
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